May 31, 2024

A strange, eventful month is almost over and up until the last possible day, I hadn't posted anything here to show for it. Some recent sagas appear to be spilling over into June and beyond; I've been yearning to find closure with certain things, but seems like whatever I post today will end up obsolete sooner rather than later.

The main concern that has developed for me lately is the future of my living situation. Due to an ever-changing set of circumstances involving the collapse of a building two doors down from where I currently reside, I may have to either vacate the area for an extended period of time or find a new place to live entirely.

Weeks have gone by since the collapse took place and I still have no clear picture of what's expected. The idea of having to suddenly pack up everything my partner and I own, search for a new place to live and every unforeseen concern that flows downstream from that has become a considerable source of stress on top of an already hectic month.

It's usually a busy time of year for work, and this turn around the calendar has certainly lived up to the billing. Thankfully, it's not nearly as crazy as years ago when I'd grow to regularly expect an unplanned weekend trip thanks to general unpreparedness around the office.

Due to odd work hours and my own personal issues, I've not been getting much quality sleep as of late. I'm trying not to let it affect my behavior, but unfortunately I am more sensitive to these types of changes than the average person. It can be frustrating to deal with issues like this when most conversations about personal struggle turn into a one-upsmanship contest.

In other news, I attended my sister's graduation in the middle of the month and got to see some family members I hadn't been around in a very long time. I don't lead as busy of a life as I used to, with all the travel and social time that entailed. As such, it's easy to develop anxiety about seeing people I've been separated from for many years.

Of course, everything ended up fine. It was nice to see people and catch up with them, however brief it may have been. I need to get out of my head about this stuff sometimes. It's something I've tried to work on over the past few years, I think I'm finally making some progress on dealing with this type of nervousness but it's not likely to just go away completely.

I have some more substantial writing coming out in the upcoming second issue of the on computer games monthly zine. While I'm proud of the work I did and excited for it to see the light of day, I haven't had a ton of energy to put toward this site or elsewhere in the meantime. I will be sure to link that somewhere on this site when it comes out.

I've been trying to motivate myself to read more, commit important facts to memory and improve my creative skills. I've been combing through an old writing handbook from my college days in an attempt to bridge some of these old mental connections that have atrophied. I'd also like to work more on improving my HTML/CSS skills, as well as work on becoming more adept with Linux and various other technical skills I anticipate needing in the future.

Over the summer, I'd like to put serious effort toward finishing up various parts of this website including the writing section. Whether it will be its own sub-page on here or a separate site entirely is still kind of up in the air. I've been doing some ongoing brainstorming on it, as well as other improvements that can be made.

I'm confident that things will continue to get better. That is, if I can get a solid grasp on the future of where I'll be living. I can do some work on my laptop, in fact I do my most focused writing there as of late. Other design related tasks are much better suited for a PC with a large monitor, so much of this work will be contingent on whether the outside world will just let me exist the way I want in the coming days.